
Double cropping rice Learn more about Double cropping rice

  • In which dynasty did double-cropping rice first appear? When is the sowing and harvesting time?

    In which dynasty did double-cropping rice first appear? When is the sowing and harvesting time?

    Double cropping rice is a rice farming system in which two crops of rice are planted and harvested in the same rice field in a year. According to its different cultivation methods, it can be divided into double cropping rice, intercropping rice and mixed rice, which has a long planting history in China. So, double cropping rice is the best.

    2020-11-08 Double cropping rice the earliest out now which dynasty its sowing harvest
  • Changing the phenomenon of "six more and six less" is the key to improve the per unit yield of double cropping rice in Jiangxi.

    Changing the phenomenon of

    Rice is the most important food crop in Jiangxi. Improving the per unit area yield of double-cropping rice is an important way to ensure Jiangxi's status as the main grain producing area and to ensure Jiangxi to make greater contribution to national food security. In recent years, although the per unit yield of double-cropping rice in Jiangxi has increased steadily, the phenomenon of low yield has not changed much. Compared with neighboring Hunan, each 667m2 is lower in 50~60kg. The analysis shows that the phenomenon of "six more and six less" is the main reason for the low per unit yield of rice in Jiangxi. The main results are as follows: 1. the amount of sowing is more and the amount of seed is less. Cultivate

  • The maximum yield per mu of double-cropping super rice in early season is 738.5 kg.

    The maximum yield per mu of double-cropping super rice in early season is 738.5 kg.

    On the 18th, an expert group invited by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture checked and accepted the key project of double-cropping super rice in South China with an annual yield of 3,000 jin per mu, chaired by Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice. After on-site production measurement, the expert group announced that the project averaged in the early season.

    2016-01-10 Double cropping super rice early season yield per mu highest 738.5 kg 18
  • Yuan Longping's double cropping Super Rice in South China

    Yuan Longping's double cropping Super Rice in South China

    Yuan Longping's double cropping Super Rice in South China

  • The maximum yield per mu of double-cropping super rice in early season is 738.5 kg.

    The maximum yield per mu of double-cropping super rice in early season is 738.5 kg.

    The maximum yield per mu of double-cropping super rice in early season is 738.5 kg.

  • Rice yield per mu reaches a new high in the area of double cropping of rice and wheat in China

    Rice yield per mu reaches a new high in the area of double cropping of rice and wheat in China

    Rice yield per mu reaches a new high in the area of double cropping of rice and wheat in China

  • What are the regions of rice production in Guangdong? What are the characteristics of each?

    What are the regions of rice production in Guangdong? What are the characteristics of each?

    Guangdong Province is bordered by the Nanling Mountains in the north and the South China Sea in the south. Rice is grown in vast areas ranging from tidal fields at flat sea level to mountain terraces thousands of meters above sea level. Guangdong has a monsoon subtropical and tropical climate. The safe growth period of rice is 220-280 days in most places. The rice cropping season is long, such as early rice in Guangzhou, sowing in early March and harvesting in mid-July; typical late rice varieties are sown in late June, heading around October 10, and harvested in mid-November. The rainfall is abundant and the sunshine hours are long. All these conditions are beneficial to the growth of rice.

  • The Ministry of Agriculture released the wind skills of promoting early maturity and preventing Cold Dew of southern double-cropping late rice in 2014.

    The Ministry of Agriculture released the wind skills of promoting early maturity and preventing Cold Dew of southern double-cropping late rice in 2014.

    The National Agricultural Technology extension Service Center of the Rice expert guidance Group of the Ministry of Agriculture (July 31, 2014) at present, the harvest of early rice is coming to an end, and the planting of double-cropping late rice has entered its peak. Affected by low temperature, cloudy and rainy weather, the mature stage of early rice in some areas of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River

    2016-03-20 Ministry of Agriculture release 2014 South double cropping late rice promoting early maturity
  • A New glutinous Rice Variety-- Zhe Nong Da 454

    A New glutinous Rice Variety-- Zhe Nong Da 454

    Zhejiang Agricultural University 454 is a new mid-ripening and late waxy variety selected by the Department of Agronomy of Zhejiang University from the double cross combination C 889 / Zhong 8029ip / Tai 202. After 4 years and 7 generations of ward identification and selection, the disease was finalized. The trial planting was expanded to more than tens of thousands of mu in 1998 and was approved by the Variety approval Committee of Zhejiang Province in March 1999. The characteristics of Zhejiang Agricultural University are about 80cm in height, medium tillering ability, thin and tough stem, more grains per panicle, high seed setting rate, large and full grain, yellow mature green stalk, oval grain, yellow hull and spike tip.

  • Research results of Comprehensive Technical Model for increasing yield and increasing efficiency of Rice in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    Research results of Comprehensive Technical Model for increasing yield and increasing efficiency of Rice in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    Recently, at the comprehensive technology integration demonstration meeting of double-cropping late rice sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, it focused on seven key technologies of double-cropping late rice production from variety selection, seedling raising, field management to harvest. Leaders and experts attending the meeting focused on increasing production and increasing efficiency.

    2016-03-20 China Academy of Agricultural Sciences rice yield increase efficiency synthesis technology model
  • High-yielding cultivation techniques of double cropping no-tillage and direct seeding of oil and rice

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of double cropping no-tillage and direct seeding of oil and rice

    Zhejiang Province has a more developed economy and high labor value. at the same time, with the rise of diesel prices, the ploughing fee of cultivated land machinery increases, and the cost of grain and oil production increases year by year. For this reason, the experiment, demonstration and popularization of no-tillage and direct seeding high-yield cultivation techniques of oil and rice double cropping in Zhejiang Province have reduced the cost of grain and oil production and improved the planting benefit. According to the investigation, no-tillage direct seeding rape per mu is 62.5 yuan more cost-effective than transplanting rape, and no-tillage direct seeding late rice per mu is 70.24 yuan more cost-effective than ploughing and transplanting late rice.

  • This year's "double robbing" is particularly tense.

    This year's

    In Jiangjiashan Village, Dananhu Township, Hanshou County, Hunan Province, Zhang Changyuan, a major grain grower and seller, and his members were working in a "double robbery" under the scorching sun on July 31. Zhang Changyuan told reporters that more than 1300 mu of early rice has just been harvested, and now he is busy planting late rice. Due to

    2016-03-20 This year "double robbing" especially nervous July 31st
  • Super-high-yield Cultivation Techniques of Double-cropping Rice in Southern China

    Super-high-yield Cultivation Techniques of Double-cropping Rice in Southern China

    (1) Timely sowing and cultivation of strong seedlings. Early rice adopts dry seedling raising, the seeding rate is generally 90g/m2, and the sowing date is in the middle and late March; late rice is sparsely sown strong seedlings or two-stage seedlings, and the seed rate is about 1.0 kg/mu. (2) Ridge cultivation. The width of the ridge is 3~4 meters, and the width of the ditch is 0.2~0.25 meters. The ditch is well opened to facilitate water management and field operation management. (3) Wide row and close planting. The planting density is 30~40 clusters/square meter, and the row spacing is about 25 cm. Generally, 3~4 early rice seedlings, single or double late rice seedlings,

  • What is Insecticidal Shuang?

    What is Insecticidal Shuang?

    How is the effect of Shachongshuang? Which pests can be controlled by Shachongshuang? What do you need to pay attention to when using Shachongshuang? Please also know the netizens to help introduce the farming network to sort out the information of the insecticidal Shuang, listed below in detail for netizens' reference. The insecticidal principle of Shachongshuang: Shachongshuang has strong contact and stomach.

  • How can hybrid rice be planted with high yield?

    How can hybrid rice be planted with high yield?

    How can hybrid rice be planted with high yield? To seek technical guidance for the cultivation of hybrid rice, we should pay attention to the following points: first, conscientiously select and purchase improved varieties. At present, the hybrid rice combinations being popularized throughout the country are double-cropping early rice, double-cropping late rice, early-maturing one-cropping rice, late-maturing one-cropping rice, hybrid japonica rice, and so on. Different hybrid rice.

  • What is the most profitable planting for farmers in various regions in 2018?

    What is the most profitable planting for farmers in various regions in 2018?

    The Ministry of Agriculture released the national planting industry structure adjustment plan, made the general plan adjustment to our country's planting industry, in order to help farmers get rich quickly, that 2018 each.

  • The risk of sudden disaster of diseases and pests in late rice requires strict prevention and control by the Ministry of Agriculture.

    The risk of sudden disaster of diseases and pests in late rice requires strict prevention and control by the Ministry of Agriculture.

    Since the beginning of autumn, the temperature in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the south of the Yangtze River and most of South China is more than 1 ℃ higher than the normal year. The uncool climate in late autumn is very conducive to the occurrence and damage of the two migratory pests of rice. There is a sudden emergence of double cropping late rice in South China and Jiangnan and some single cropping late rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

    2016-03-20 Late rice diseases and insect pests existence emergency disaster risk Ministry of Agriculture requirements
  • Guofeng No. 1 (Rice)

    Guofeng No. 1 (Rice)

    Variety source: a new high-quality three-line hybrid rice variety bred by Guofeng High-quality Hybrid Rice breeding Center (a joint venture between Hefei Fengle seed Industry and China Rice Research Institute). Examination and approval: it was approved by the National examination and approval Committee in 2001. Characteristics: the growth period of double cropping late rice is similar to that of Jinyougui 99, and the growth period of single cropping middle rice is about 6 days shorter than that of Shanyou 63. The combination has higher plants, medium tillering ability, longer flag leaves, larger panicles and more grains, generally 180 grains per panicle and seed setting rate 8.

  • Breeding and Utilization of Japonica Hybrid Rice Hanyou 1027

    Breeding and Utilization of Japonica Hybrid Rice Hanyou 1027

    Hanyou 1027 is a new japonica hybrid rice combination bred by Hanfeng male sterile line and T1027 restorer line in 1985. In 1986, the proving ground of the hospital produced 581.7kg per mu, which was 11.8% higher than that of Hanfeng. In 1988, the institute produced 604.6kg per mu of 1.2mu, 22.0% higher than that of Xiushui 04. The combination takes 153 to 156 days for single cropping rice in Shanghai and 122 to 142 days for double cropping rice in Changsha and Hangzhou.

  • High-yielding Cultivation Models of Several Potato Species

    High-yielding Cultivation Models of Several Potato Species

    In recent years, Potato Association of Ziyang District in Yiyang City actively explored potato high-yield cultivation mode, and carried out continuous demonstration planting in Xiangpulun Township, Yingfengqiao Town and Changchun Town, forming a complete set of high-yield cultivation technology system. Spring potato-double cropping rice cultivation. Spring potato selection "Dongnong 303" and other early-maturing varieties, from mid-late December to early January next year sowing, late April to early May harvest. Early rice is selected from late-maturing varieties, and the seedlings are sown sparsely or raised in two stages.
